Media Partners

Borg Owilli's Distribution Offer

Collaborating with Sweden's leading and largest media firms.

"Everyone can write," but the truth is that not everyone writes well, or perhaps most important of all: in the right way for the target audience. Borg Owilli offers journalism-trained writers who have experience in writing for different target groups and sectors.

We tailor a quality solution and strategy to suit your specific needs, which will also ensure that your content is distributed in the right place at the right time. The aim is to appeal to, influence and retain the attention of a public when competition is fierce.


Digital distribution

Digital subscriptions are increasing annually and our largest news sites and their associates together account for over four million page visits daily.

Borg Owilli makes sure that you appear on the most sought-after news sites and that you reach your target group. We are involved from the idea to the product and help with everything from concept development and editorial content to distribution. The needs, interests and ways of your target group will determine what content is produced and which channels are used. 

Borg Owilli offers exclusive digital distribution through the following channels:

  • Ny Teknik

  • Dagens Industri

  • Svenska Dagbladet / SvD Näringsliv

  • Omni / Omni Ekonomi

  • Breakit

  • Dagens Juridik

  • Dagens PS

  • Privata Affärer

  • Affärsvärlden

  • Dagens Samhälle 

  • Hemnet

  • Stockpicker


Printed distribution

The newspaper sector is amongst the largest in the media world today. For many people, reading the daily newspaper is strongly associated with their daily routine. The reader picks up news and sees reporting that awakens interest.

In order to be able to offer as large a range as possible, Borg Owilli collaborates with the leading players, both in culture in its broadest sense and in specialist knowledge.

The media we distribute through are:

  • Svenska Dagbladet / SvD Näringsliv 

  • Dagens Industri

  • Dagens Juridik

  • Affärsvärlden

  • Privata affärer

  • Placeringsguiden

  • Dagens Samhälle



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